Prof. Alfred Tovias




Alfred Tovias is Professor Emeritus of the Department of International Relations of the Hebrew University. He was the Chairman of the same Department from 2010 through 2012. Before he served for five years as Director of the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the same University (2005-2010). He holds also the EU-sponsored Jean Monnet Chair on External Economic Relations of the EU. He is currently (June 2014) a Visiting Professor at the IESE and at the IBEI, both based in Barcelona.  He is also the President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI), together with Dr Tal Sadeh. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the FEMISE (Forum Mediterraneen d'Instituts d'Etudes Economiques).He has published several books and articles among others in The Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, Mediterranean Politics, Oxford Economic Papers, The World Economy and West European Politics. His most recent book, co-edited with Amy Verdun, is a study “Mapping European Economic Integration”, published by Palgrave in November 2013.

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